Thursday, February 03, 2005

Pink Eye

Pink Eye??? What the F%$#!!!! Is that one more of those gay diseases??? Not exclusively gay at all! I have it and no clue how the hell I contracted it. In Brasil we always know it by Conjunctivitis and not “olho rosa”. When your eyes get red, swollen and itchy, as if there was sand in it. A great sensation!!! Oh Yeah!!! Ugh! I only had it once when I was about 9 years old. Twenty years later and here it is again. Conjunctivitis can take from three days to two weeks to heal and thanks to my strong immune system, after three days, my eyes are much better and almost completely recovered!!! GO AWAY BACTERIA!!!!

Monday, January 31, 2005

Gossips Fly

On Friday night I was at Volleyball at LACC and a friend tells me a good friend of mine had a heart attack and went through a bi-pass surgery. I was so discombobulated… When he told me it had happened more than a week ago, I nearly had a seizure… I got angry and upset with all my friends. How come something like that happens to one of my best friends and nobody even call me?
At that moment I was angry and clearly stated my thoughts for all who were there. “It is so sad that in this F%$# Gay community only gossips fly like ‘there is no tomorrow’… when it is time to be supportive and show solidarity, nobody’s home. I hope my friend gets better soon. He is the kind of guy who is a gentleman, someone who happens to be the opposite of my description and I always count on him… Too bad he could not count on me and I was not there for him when this situation happened.
Love you Dave! Be good!