Big Three -OOOO
This past Friday, march 25th, was my birthday – yessss! Three – O!!! People say that is a big date. For me it is just a number… Big dates are what we make of them! And what WE did, definitely made it BIG! I gathered some of my best friends at Tweedy’s place for a weekend of relaxation and fun… Of course, Tweedy had to make it ultra-special so he took the day off on Friday and came up to Los Angeles to join me at Oil Can Harry’s on Thursday (where I had my spotlight dance). This way he could be the first one to sing Happy Birthday at midnight. On Friday after work we drove down to San Diego. Adam and frank arrived a little bit later. On Saturday morning Ismail, Mark, Julio and Souliyoo arrived and we had the most wonderful breakfast prepared by Tweedy! Around 11am we left to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, with a camera this time. It was a gorgeous sunny day with blue skies. The way to the park is beautiful, very green with hills and wineries around. This time we got some traffic just before the entrance of the park, which meant it would be crowded. That made me somewhat concerned and disappointed but as soon as we entered the park I didn’t care anymore. We all had a great time, admiring all the wild nature and the funny animals. I guess the biggest attractions to our group was feeding the Lorikeets, some real colorful and funny birds that fly to one’s arms in order to get the food. They are very aggressive (in a good way). And the hidden forest – an artificially heated greenhouse full of butterflies flying all over the place.
Julio, liked specially the Gorillas, with who he identified himself…
In the end we were all exhausted but Frank wanted to stay longer even though the park was closing.
At Tweedy’s, while we played Disney Trivia, Tweedy and Julio cooked the most delicious barbecue meal. Afterwards we sat down to some talking and debate. I have to admit I passed out for maybe 30 minutes while they were talking. I just remember waking up in the middle of an interesting debate about the Schiavo & euthanasia case, then moving to abortion and adoption and then to the most discussed case nowadays, Michael Jackson’s molestation scandal. It was fun! We were very into it with diverging opinions about the different themes.
The next day, Adam, Frank, Tweedy and I went for a picnic at Lake Poway. It was a nice area, but again we were joined by many families and groups. No worries! Enough space for everybody and still privacy. We rented a small motorboat and sailed around the lake. It was fun and relaxing. Back home we all took a 2-hour nap and woke up for some Jacuzzi time. We ended the night in one of my favorite restaurants. Nothing fancy, just good food and great service at Olive Garden.It was a memorable weekend and I got to thank my friends and Tweedy for that.
Besides the guys who took me to the Park and spent the weekend with me I have many several other people in my life who I call good friends, some are far away and some very close to me; some I see very often and some of them hardly ever. However they all have something in common; They sure do know how to make me feel good and special! I think this is the essence of friendship. People who we get along with and who will make you feel special in some way. I miss my family and I wish they were here with me for my big Three – O, but while they are not around I have my other “family” and I praise that.