Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Maggie Patches

It is a GIRL! Her name is Maggie! Our (Randy and I) first baby together. Maggie is an American Bulldog, Bully type, which means she has the cute wrinkles on her face and a sturdy body. She is 9 weeks now. Maggie is being ultra spoiled by us, our friends and everyone that passes by. She is so charismatic and so loveable. Well, except when she is hyper and starts biting everything that is on her mouth’s reach. My hands are all scratched because of her little tiny sharp teeth. She does remind me of a Piranha sometimes, you know, those vicious carnivore fresh water fishes.
She is beautiful and I believe she will grow up to be gorgeous thanks to her nice markings and expressive eyes. Julio has named her “Patches”. So now he calls her Maggie Patches.
Potty training can be tough too, specially for me. It is so hard to reprehend such a cute little thing. I am leaving this part to Randy.It is amazing how she is already so attached to us. And I can’t wait for Zack to arrive, the Baby Jack Russel Terrier. They will be very happy having each other’s company. I know that!

Falling down

And there was I riding my bike on a cool day of summer through nice Silver Lake bike paths, people jogging with their friends, walking theirs dogs and BAM! My face on the floor. What the fuck????? The front tire of my bike got caught in a water drain and disappears in the middle of the bars. In a fraction of a second my bike flipped over me and I fell with my face and right shoulder in the asphalt. It didn’t really hurt much at the time. I took my bike out of the hole and laid it over a fence. I sat down, still kind of lost. None of the people passing by cared to stop, except for this couple that was crossing the street and asked me if I was all right.
My leg and knee started hurting and that’s when I noticed I had hit them into the handlebars, and when I stood up it was hard to walk. The scratches, despite their superficiality were burning.
Fortunately, the tires of my bike were okay and I could ride back home. The bad news, besides my bruises, was that the gear was damaged and unable to switch.I am a little upset with how dangerous that water drain can to cyclists. Someone is a higher speed could have worse consequences. I feel like suing the city. Water drain should have crisscross pattern instead of parallel patterns like those ones, or at least they should be diagonal to the street direction, like my friend Frank said. That is just wrong.