The Ogre effect
How many times have you thought that someone was like a super-hero at first and then he or she became an ogre? Let’s call it the Shrek effect.
That is why fast loves and quick developed friendships are difficult and dangerous. The higher you place someone at a pedestal the bigger is the fall, and hurtful too.
As kids and inexperienced we are always going through this. So many times I had best friends for one day, the next day he/she would become my worst enemy… a couple of months later it would be like we had never met… People we confided and shared secrets once, turned out to be complete strangers after a while.
Well, that should be very normal on childhood, and maybe teen years, when we grow as adults we learn that anything in life is more certain when taken slow, especially relationships. Immature as I have always been, I have always threw myself into relationships (even as adult), some people say it is my sign – Aries – that does not like waiting. As a result, I have been hurt many times in the past and I never learned. I have seen the “Shrek effect” in effect so many times.
I am just happy I met Tweedy! He is very real and honest! Too good to be true sometimes!
However, the whole reason I started writing this blog was not for Tweedy (sorry!!!) but for M.R. that recently became M.H. I guess she changed her personality with her name change. I keep on searching for the old M.R. and I swear I try hard, going out of my way to try to re-attach our old and fun relation, even though she keeps acting like a BIG Cu$%#!!!! She is such a “Fiona”…
I guess she decided to be a different employee after H.R. reprimanded all the Admin for being way out of the budget on catering requests. I guess she took it the wrong way. She stopped talking to the other fellow Admin. as colleagues, instead she would ignore them and KISS some Major A%^$ from upper level employees!
I regret dedicating a whole entire blog to M.R or M.H., one of my first articles on blog world… I wish she would read this… Hummmmmmm!