Thursday, January 20, 2005

Project Runaway

So, one of the four Reality TV shows that I actually have patience to watch (together with MTV RW X RR Challenges, American Idol and Amazing Race) is the new and original Project Runaway on Bravo.
Twelve designers compete every week (wedsnesday at 9pm) on different challenges and the worst design, according to three guest - jury plus Heidi Klum, is eliminated from the competition.
The show really gets me going! So, last night the constestants had to come up with a bathing suit in only five hours. As I am for the classic, my vote would have gone for Kara Saun ( the black lady who is also my favorite). She always comes up with very nice designs besides being sweet and funny. The worst on my opinion would be Wendy's (the bitter envious weird housewife) whose suit was no suit but a lil dress.
For my surprise, the elimination went to the young Alexandra, who happened to be my second best favorite. I didn't get it. But, well, I am not an expert and all I can do is TO GET MAD AND SMASH THE TV... But I didn't!!! Otherwise how the hell am I gonna watch the MTV Challenge on Monday???

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Aids Life Cycle 4

Okay, So I registered last night!
Now I am ready to build my ALC homepage and start "begging" people to help me reach my fundraise goal -$2500- and of course, help thousands of americans living with HIV and Aids.
On 2003, It was my first year, and I rode. Last year I volunteered and it was a great experience too, but riding is "da bomb" and you will be surprised when I say this; it is much easier... So, here I go again, pedaling, num fingers, back pain, sore butt. BUT, it is worthy. If there was no suffering it would not be as intense and unforgetable. I plan on doing every year from now on.
Please, come back and keep track of my journey. I will try to maintain a journal with all the fundraising events and training. Oh! By the way! Support me if you can!!!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Goodbye 2004

I know I have been postponing my 2004 Review. It is just so difficult to remember all the details that marked a period of 364 days...
I am gonna divide my review in two major pieces; facts and personal.

2004 was the year that Yasser Arafat has left this world. I am not sure I am the right person to say this was good or bad. In my insignificant little world it is indifferent. I just know I keep on seeing destruction and hatred between Palestinians and Israelis on the news. Christopher Reeve or The Superman has also died and with him the hopes the development of Stem Cell Research in USA, well, specially with George W. Bush re-election. Many things were discussed during the election campaign and I was tired of listening that John Kerry was too weak of a cadidate and he would never defeat Bush. In the only debate I saw during my cardio section, I have to say I was surprised with the man. He showed integrity and finesse. But who am I to say he was better than that funny guy beside him? I am not even an American. I don't have any rights here.
Deaths like Marlon Brando's and Ray Charles' also marked 2004. A goodbye to two big American icons. Two artists who wrote their names in history.
In Brazil, the perspective for economy growth makes people more optimistic despite all the drug dealing taking control of the major cities. Meanwhile cars are still being robbed, people still being kidnapped and tourists being violated. It has been a century of social disorder that will not be changed within 4 years of a worker's party president, even with all good intentions. In my opinion, that sucks cause it does seem like these social issues are like a snowball that will never end. As someone that have traveled different parts of the world, I still think that Rio has an enchanting energy and incomparable natural beauty.
The war in Iraq has also covered much of the international news. From the capture of Saddam Russein till the abominable pictures of prisoners being tortured by the american army that showed a complete disrespect for human rights, 2004 made me disbelief more and more in human race. The tortures on US prisons in Iraq and the beheadings of foreigns citizens from Al Qaeda members saddened me as much as the terrorist bombings at the Madrid train killing hundreds of people or the invasion of school in Russia, keeping many young age children on captivity and resulting the death of 339 people.
Moreover, 2004 was also the year that hopes for gay marriage in USA were born and faded away, thanks to all the ignorant, religious, republicans who voted for the amendment that banned same sex union. I still cannot believe a country that entitle itself as the "the land of the free" being so demode' to restrict the rights of homossexuals couples to live together under the same rights as straight couples. Unbelievable!!!! What is the difference??? If two human beings who love each other, living as citzens under the same law and paying the same taxes and bills of men and women. Taking away their RIGHTS is denying them their status of citzens... It has nothing to do with church or religion...
But, not everything was ugly and sad on 2004. It was Olympic Games year, the most pure demonstration of sport celebrating difference. The images on TV, well at least the ones I was able to see thru the most horrible coverage, were phenomenal and inspiring. Athletes and their sculptural bodies, jumping, diving, dancing, swinging, kicking and fighting are the 8th form of art. I was happy to see my country (Brasil) having one of the best performances of its history, getting 4 gold medals, some of silver and bronze were so close to gold, which is the ultimate accomplishment for an athlete. But I know that just being there in Athens, the craddle of the Olympic Games, is worthwhile a lifetime dedicated of training.
In the end of 2004, the 9 point earthquake shook the bottom of the Indian Sea on the outskirts of Indonesia and created the Tsunami that destroyed hundreds of islands and the coast of several countries in Asia (Thailand, India, Sri Lanka), leaving a death toll of more than 200 thousand people, among them many children and tourists who visited the paradisiac beaches.
It was a very disturbing way to end a year already filled with unfortunate events.

(2004 Review of personal life to come next)