A History of Violence
I had read good things about this film at IMDB (Internet Movie
Database) and so we went to check it last night. As it was only being screened at The Grove, the session was pretty full, probably sold out. I rushed into the theatre to get the seats and unfortunately only the front rows had the amount we needed available.
I have to say AHV is odd. It definitely sticks to your mind afterwards
and, personally, I have not decided if I liked or not. Technically I
was not very fond of it. There were some flaws in the lighting (i.e. the hospital scene) Moreover, I was not able to get involved with the plot. It made me uncofortable and I don't know why.
I think what is bothering the most is the fact that I cannot define the film, therefore I cannot make up my mind whether it is good or not.
Most definitely it has some very interesting sequences but it lacks something I just can't think of, maybe a connection between those sequences.