Monday, November 01, 2004

Internet Closure

It is official,
Today I lost the right of access the web at work. The IT people
connected to my computer and I saw my last "window to the world" close right
in from of my eyes. I felt like a child being punished for doing
something wrong, kind of violated. My right for free information is being
neglected. No more Yahoo mail or Yahoo news. No more, no
more, nor JB Online,, Mapquest nor
What pisses me off the most is that I never used the web for the "wrong
reasons" such as porn or chatting... nor I would use it instead of
working. I have always been responsible with respect to my work and met
deadlines. It just does not seem fair.
I feel like protesting. I probably would if I didn't have this profile
of a rebellion at HR. heheheh
Maybe I should take some time and try to negotiate with caution...