Friday, December 15, 2006

Anessa overrrrreacts

Two weeks ago during an episode of Road Rules / Real World Challenge - The Duel, two of the participants had it off for "racist" motives.
Robin who was very drunk tells Anessa: "You are straight, gay, black, white, puerto rican, portuguese. Pick one!"
Anessa gets very upset with that comment and goes off on Robin, but instead of telling her why she thought she was wrong she keeps on kicking and screaming. Raving about such a racist comment.
I am also gay, but I could be straight, I am brazilian decendent from portuguese, italian, and who knows what else, maybe 1/10 black, 1/10 native brazilian and as far as I am concerned part of me could even be asian and I don't even know.
Anyway, why people care so much about races, colors and ethnicities in general in this country? Why every comment about race turns into a racist one?
I am sure it was an unfortunate and probably ignorant comment from Robin but give me a break. Just laugh about it.
My friend Cameron always says he is 1/4 chinese and no matter how many times he says it I laugh about it and make fun of him. Am I being racist?

Invasion canceled

I have just finished watching the last disc of the first season of the series Invasion, which I really enjoyed and most definitely recommend.
It has suspense, family drama portrayed impeccably plus cohesive action-reaction situations. Actually one of the most annoying things for me on films and TV shows is the absurdity of certain choices the characters make. Those situations when the audience goes "why don't you tell him?/her?" or "why are you doing that?". So, yeah, I thought on "Invasion" I didn't find myself doing that many times, and if I did, most of the time I had my questions answered.
I was very disappointed to find out that the series was canceled because the ratings were low. I hardly ever watch shows on TV because I find most of them really predictable and stupid. It sucks to have such nice productions like "Invasion" and the late "Firefly" taken of air when there is so much sh%t going on for years. Crap like "Seventh Heaven", "Gilmore Girls", "Judging Amy", "The OC" and other handful of shitty soap operas with no content nor excitement and full of cliches.
I just wish the audience was more selective. No, let me take that back. I wish the audience's picks or closer to mine in order to guarantee the shows I enjoy watching longer lives than one single season.
At least those shows had their time and good development instead of getting lost on the obligation of extending themselves through many many seasons.