Thursday, January 20, 2005

Project Runaway

So, one of the four Reality TV shows that I actually have patience to watch (together with MTV RW X RR Challenges, American Idol and Amazing Race) is the new and original Project Runaway on Bravo.
Twelve designers compete every week (wedsnesday at 9pm) on different challenges and the worst design, according to three guest - jury plus Heidi Klum, is eliminated from the competition.
The show really gets me going! So, last night the constestants had to come up with a bathing suit in only five hours. As I am for the classic, my vote would have gone for Kara Saun ( the black lady who is also my favorite). She always comes up with very nice designs besides being sweet and funny. The worst on my opinion would be Wendy's (the bitter envious weird housewife) whose suit was no suit but a lil dress.
For my surprise, the elimination went to the young Alexandra, who happened to be my second best favorite. I didn't get it. But, well, I am not an expert and all I can do is TO GET MAD AND SMASH THE TV... But I didn't!!! Otherwise how the hell am I gonna watch the MTV Challenge on Monday???


At January 21, 2005 at 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention, that if you smashed the TV how are we going to play XBox?


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