Monday, April 04, 2005

Sin City


Sin City is definitely one of those films most people will either love it or hate it. Take it or leave it.

It reminded me a lot of Kill Bill; the absurd violence, the characters and the sense of revenge very common in the comic books. The setting and the lighting are very “cartoonish”, with a lot of contrast in the cinematography. Not many shades of gray, saving some specifics scenes, the rest is either very black or white. I can see people complaining about the darkness in the pictures, i.e. my mother and my grandma.

The characters are so fierce and strong. Robert Rodriguez seems to belong to the same school as Quentin T. They love weird, surreal, sometimes bizarre circumstances and both seem to be able to make a great scene out of any boring situation. Very creative!
I believe the fact that Frank Miller (the original writer of the comic books) has co-directed the film might have helped RR make the right decisions, which made Sin City different from the “cheesy” always disappointing films developed from Comic books.

I give this film an A. If you are feeling like watching something genius and different, go for it, but if you are one of those viewers who likes beginning, middle and end, with a very explanatory plot maybe Sin City is not for you.


At April 5, 2005 at 11:24 AM, Blogger Somah said...

I can't wait to see it. I was so bummed I couldn't see it this past weekend :-(


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