Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Without Internet connection at work, I lost my habit of reading the brazilian news at www.uol.com.br, wich I was used to doing on my lunch break (15 minutes). Tonight I decided I could not be so stuck on habits and should be more open minded for adjustments, and so after 10 days alienated, I am back on track consuming information.
I just read that the Palestinian President Yasser Arafat is in deep coma and his situation is getting worse as I write. The brain hemorragia cannot be stopped and the doctors have already reported that his death is a matter of hours.
It seems like Arafat was supposed to be buried at Cisjordan, in the city of Ramallah, inside the Mukata, place where Arafat was confined by the Israeli governement for 2 1/2 years. The Mukata became like a resistence symbol for the palestinian people. Israeli Political sources have revealed that Israel will oppose to the burying of the President at the Mukata, and has decided he should be buryied at the gaza Strip instead.
I was thinking... The Israelis have some nerve. Can't they F#$% just permit that the body of Arafat be buried wherever ??? Do they need to make politics even with someone's funeral??? That is unbelievable! This situation will never end. That saddens me.


At November 9, 2004 at 11:39 PM, Blogger Somah said...

The Israeli reasoning is that the burial site of Arafat's body will turn into a pilgrimage site of extremists. I can understand their fears. Honestly, I think a dead body is just that: dead body. I won't worry about where it's buried. If I were the Palestinians, I would just let it go and pick a more worthwhile battle.


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