Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Weight Contest!

Today is the first day of weight contest at my work!!! For three months some of the “obese” employees decided to make an effort on losing the extra pounds. The motivation? Cash Prizes! The participants are putting down $50 dollars on the bet. The first prize goes to whoever loses the most weight. The second and third prizes will go to percentage of weigh lost.
I weighed in and I was surprised!!! Ewwwwwwww! I knew I had gained some weight in the past year but I didn’t know it was that much! 250.6 lbs!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
My goal at first is to get to my usual 220lbs. I think ideally I should weigh around 200lbs, but 30lbs initially would be GREAT!
My formula?
While chatting with my good friend Dave, who has lost many many many pounds after he had a heart attack, I came up with this:

- The more water you drink, the more weight you'll lose
- No more burgers!
- Always eat breakfast
- Eat about 5 times a day

G - what for breakfast?

D - I just eat oatmeal.. or cereal with fruit. Any fruit is good for you. No sugar, only fruits... some strawberries or peach slices on top and if you drink milk.. try and drink non-fat kind.

G - for lunch?

D - Salads are good... with chicken sometimes if you like. Subway is good.. They have like 6 sandwiches with 6grams of fat or less but just a 6inch… not a whole foot-long.
Veggie burgers are good too. No pizza, nor hot dogs, burritos, no rice.
When you feel like ice cream, eat sherbet instead, non-fat jello pudding.

G - Do u eat stuff between the meals?

D - I eat like granola bars, or fruit bars, almonds - just a handful of almonds is good energy and it's good fat. Nuts in general are okay.. but not like a whole bottle.. just like a handful at a time.

G - what do u eat for dinner?

D - Juice is good but has lots of calories. Pasta salads with vinaigrette. Try not to eat anything after 8pm.

Besides, closing my mouth ( A LOT!!!), I know that exercising will help me lose the extra pounds, and tone up my body. Lots of bike riding, Yoga and some lifting.
I will get back to this subject in three months!!!


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