Monday, September 06, 2004

To Each his own

I found myself very surprised when talking to two friends of mine just after Los Angeles Gay Pride about Sexual Racism. We were at Bossa Nova in West Hollywood and everything started when Jae (korean) asked me why I was attracted to big guys. My answer was that "if people like me didn't like them, who would?". I know it sounds a little weird to state this but what I meant is that there is all kinds of types of people and tastes, right? Sort of. I came to learn from them that in this country, where "freedom of thoughts" ends where the political correction starts, that it should not be right to admit that one has a type, specially based on race, which would be considered sexual racism.
Like I said before, I was very surprised to know that feeling attracted to certain kind of people could actually make me racist. I thought that racism was only when people have prejudice against other cultures and when they find their races better than the others.
It was very hard for me to understand the whole concept. I come from a country where we have prejudice, that is for sure. However I do not see as much segregation as I see in here. After four years living in USA I have to say I am used to and have adjusted to all the separation. Everything has to be parceled in groups, specially in the gay community. Moreover, within these groups we will find sub-groups.
With respect to people feeling attracted to certain kind of people, I have to say I am pretty liberal about that, as long as one don't find himself better or mistreat someone just because he is an asian, black, latin, white, fat, skinny, old or young, people should be free to like whitchever type and at the same time should not feel less or underestimated when someone is not attracted to them. You would not want to be with someone who don't find you "hot". I also believe in the natural course of things. At some point everyone will find what fits them best, if you know what I mean...


At September 8, 2004 at 2:17 PM, Blogger Somah said...

Interesting point, Gus. I think attraction is defined at a very early age and really has nothing to do with racism. Those who call attraction "sexual racism" are trying to politicize our very nature! It's a pathetic premise at best.

Attraction in of itself is very natural and shouldn't be labled by those who feel left out as racism! If X is not attracted to you, I assure you that Y is!


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